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Culture Tours Took Place During EMU 21st Orientation Days

Culture Tours Took Place During EMU 21st Orientation Days

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) 21st Orientation Days hosted various cultures and promotion tours for the newly registered students and their families. Easing the adaptation process of the students to the environment and the university was aimed by the events. To promote Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and EMU, Famagusta tour on the 21st of September 2018, Nicosia and Kyrenia tour on the 22nd of September 2018 and Karpaz tour on 23rd September 2018 were organized.

1,500 People Attended

The culture tours organized within the 21st Orientation Days, hosted approximately 1,500 students and their families. 700 people attended to Famagusta tour where they visited Namık Kemal Dungeon, Lala Mustafa Paşa Mosque, Othello Castle and Famagusta Walled City. 1,000 people with 20 buses attended to Nicosia and Kyrenia tour and visited Selimiye Mosque, Büyük Han, Bandabulya Bazaar, Yiğitler Burcu, Ledra Palace, Kyrenia Harbour, Kyrenia Castle and Bellapais Monastery. 850 people with 17 buses attended to Karpaz tour where they visited Apostolos Andreas Monastery and Golden Beach.