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EMU and TRNC Statistics Institute Signs a Collaboration Protocol

EMU and TRNC Statistics Institute Signs a Collaboration Protocol

A cooperation protocol has been signed between the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Statistics Institute. EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın and President of Statistics Institute Türel Öksüzoğlu  signed the said protocol on Tuesday, 14 September 2021, at 10:00 a.m.. At the signing ceremony, EMU Vice Rector for Social and Cultural Affairs Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu and the officials of the Statistical Institute were also present.

The protocol aims to carry out activities for the preparation and implementation of economic and social projects pertaining to the fields of interest of the parties in the TRNC in cooperation with EMU and the Institute. Within the scope of the protocol, EMU and the Institute will organize training/information programs and ensure the preparation of projects to produce the economic and social statistics in demand.

In his speech, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Hocanın provided information about EMU's new registrations for the 2021-2022 Academic Year and the measures taken in scope of Covid-19. Prof. Dr. Hocanın also emphasised that face-to-face education with distancing will be implemented at EMU this year. Stating that EMU wants to cooperate with every institution of the state, Prof. Dr. Hocanın added that they are very pleased to be establishing a cooperation with the Statistics Institute. Stating that the Statistics and Computer Sciences program of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at EMU has been launched this year, Prof. Dr. Hocanın put forth that he believed that the cooperation protocol signed with the statistics institution would be beneficial.

President of the Statistics Institute Türel Öksüzoğlu stated that the institution was established in 2019 and is still at the stage of establishment, and that large-scale surveys and scientific studies are expected from the institution. Highlighting the fact that they need EMU’s support in this context, Özksüzoğlu underlined that EMU is a board member of their institution and that it is important in every aspect to benefit from EMU's human resources. Öksüzoğlu stated that a road map will be drawn together with EMU in order for the institution to achieve its goals and wished that the protocol would be beneficial for both institutions.