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EMU Department of Banking and Finance Holds a Series of International Seminars

EMU Department of Banking and Finance Holds a Series of International Seminars

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Business and Economics Faculty, Banking and Finance Department organized a series of seminars and econometrics workshops facilitating the academic development of postgraduate and doctorate students.

In this context, in scope of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Korhan K. Gökmenoğlu's "Quantitative Techniques in Finance" and Assist. Prof. Dr. Nigar Taşpınar's "Volatility in Finance" courses, online seminars were held for the students of postgraduate and doctorate programs.

Prof. Dr. Seema Narayan, who appeared on the list of the 10 most influential female economists in the world, made a presentation on “Current Issues in Financial Research” as the first invited speaker. Speaking afterwards, EMU Banking and Finance Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. Salih Katırcıoğlu made a presentation titled “Contemporary Issues in Research”. In a study conducted by Stanford University, Prof. Dr. Katırcıoğlu was listed within the top 2% of the world's most influential scientists in the single-year impact (2019) and career-long impact categories.

The seminar continued with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kazi Sohag's presentation titled “Do Autonomous Anti-Corruption Entitites Improve Governance?” and Prof. Dr. Jawad Syed Shahzad's presentation on "Correlation in Finance Research".

As part of the series of seminars planned to continue in December, Prof. Dr. Tolga Omay from Turkey, Prof. Dr. Sabri Boubaker from France and Prof. Dr. Daniel Balsalobre Lorente from Spain will deliver presentations online.