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Latest developments in economy and reflections on the tourism sector

Latest developments in economy and reflections on the tourism sector

This week’s “Ekonomi Masası” program which took place under the moderatorship of Eastern Mediterranean University Banking and Finance Department Chair Prof. Dr. Salih Katırcıoğlu hosted EMU Tourism Faculty Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç and Banking and Finance Department academic staff member Assist. Prof. Dr. Korhan Gökmenoğlu, who both discussed latest economic developments and their reflections on the tourism sector.

At the beginning of the program Assist. Prof. Dr. Korhan Gökmenoğlu talked about world markets, the increase in foreign currency rates, and the current account deficit of Turkey. Following Prof. Dr. Korhan Gökmenoğlu, EMU Tourism Faculty Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç expressed his views on the economy’s reflections on the tourism sector and prospective outcomes. Stating the importance of the tourism sector as a source of currency income, Prof. Dr. Kılıç expressed that 2014 will be a positive year in terms of currency income. Prof. Dr. Kılıç also put forth that the TRNC tourism sector has expanded for the last two years due to the support provided for tourism.