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EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty Welcomes New Students

EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty Welcomes New Students

The 2017-2018 Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine Academic Year Opening Ceremony and First Lesson took place the amphitheatre MED 101 on Monday, the 25th of September 2017, at 09:30. The opening ceremony was attended by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Özkaramanlı, Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Nahide Gökçora, Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine academic staff member Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Karahasan, Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine 1st year Coordinator Asst. Prof. Dr. İlke Akçay as well as academicians and new students. After a moment of silence and the national anthem, 2nd year students Çağın Şehit and Mariam Haidar delivered a presentation to the new students touching upon information about the faculty, classes, campus, social life and Cyprus.

Nahide Gökçora

“An Important Program Featured in the World Directory of Medical Schools” 

The opening speech of the ceremony was given by EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Nahide Gökçora. Prof. Dr. Gökçora indicated that the faculty is about to begin its 6th Academic Year, expressing her excitement to be soon graduating their first students who they hope become highly qualified, successful and etchical doctors. Prof. Dr. Gökçora indicated that scientific research is amongst their priorities stating that new students will start their education under the guidance of experienced advisors, be separated into research teams, work on research projects and be provided support in terms of presenting their work in national and international arenas. Prof. Dr. Gökçora also expressed her satisfaction regarding the “2nd Eastern Mediterranean International Medical Students Congress” that was held last year. 

Noting that the doctors of the future should be constanly improving themselves, Prof. Dr. Gökçora stated that the International Joint Medicine Program offered as a result of the collaboration between the EMU Faculty of Medicine and the Marmara University Faculty of Medicine is accredited by the Council of Higher Education as well as being featured on the World Directory of Medical Schools. Prof. Dr. Gökçora concluded by wishing the new students the best of luck in this quality program.

Hüseyin Özkaramanlı

“Students who opted for EMU are very lucky”

During his speech that he started by welcoming the new students, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Özkaramanlı provided information about the faculty and its education program. Stating that the students who opted for the EMU Faculty of Medicine and Marmara University Faculty of Medicine joint program are very lucky in many ways, Prof. Dr. Özkaramanlı indicated that this is an important opportunity as they are taking a joint program of two rooted and important instititutions both featuring on the Times Higher Education World Rankings. Prof. Dr. Özkaramanlı concluded by providing a reminder that medicine is a proffesion that requires sacrifices in the social and private lives of individuals, advicing the students to make the most of campus facilities and activities whilst at EMU.

Ayşegül Karahasan

After the opening speeches, the first lesson was delivered by Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine academic staff member Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Karahasan. Prof. Dr. Karahasan stated that the main motivation of being a doctor is the happiness obtained from helping people and easing their pain. Providing information about the lives of successful doctors who overcame trial and tribulations to aid humanity, Prof. Dr. Karahasan also touched upon general information about Turkey and TRNC as well as her own personal experiences in the field. The 2017-2018 Academic Year Opening Ceremony ended with a cocktail after the First Lesson was completed.

After the cocktail that aimed to mix Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine academic staff with new students, an orientation program took place. As part of the program, academic staff members Asst. Prof. Dr. Mümtaz Güran and Asst. Prof. Dr. Mevhibe Hocaoğlu provided information about integrated medicine education, assessment and evaluation, Turkish language requirements and obligatory participation. Faculty classrooms, laboratories and the library were also visited during the orientation program.