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EMU Faculty of Architecture Dean Prof. Dr. Resmiye Alpar Atun Represented EMU at the European Association for Architectural Education Deans Council

EMU Faculty of Architecture Dean Prof. Dr. Resmiye Alpar Atun Represented EMU at the European Association for Architectural Education Deans Council

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Architecture Dean Prof. Dr. Resmiye Alpar Atun represented EMU at the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) Deans Council held at ULB Faculty of Architecture in Brussels.

Current issues pertaining to architectural education were discussed at the council. Among these, recent technological developments, economic imbalance, increasing environmental crises, and issues related to the speed of information exchange took the forefront. In addition, the meeting examined the reflections of digital production platforms and the implementation of design education in digital environments in the context of different education approaches, along with their positive and negative outcomes.

Deans representing different institutions participated in the meeting to present the education models, activities, and projects carried out within their faculties, as well as to discuss current developments and potential impacts on architectural education. Furthermore, the idea of operating a communication, comparison, and joint decision-making platform for architectural education in the future under the EAAE umbrella was developed. The role of informal education approaches, as a field that triggers creative thinking in architectural education, was discussed in the context of the EMU Faculty of Architecture Design Week. This year's 10th EMU International Design Week was shared with the participants among the unique experiences of many distinguished universities. Prof. Dr. Resmiye Alpar Atun emphasized that the representation and significant contributions obtained from the meeting of EMU Faculty of Architecture, a pioneer in design education in our region, would positively contribute to the future of education.