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Youth Exhibition Between EMU Department of Architecture and Yeniboğaziçi Municipality

Youth Exhibition Between EMU Department of Architecture and Yeniboğaziçi Municipality

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of  Architecture, Department of Architecture and the Yeniboğaziçi Municipality have collaborated on an exhibition on  Friday, June 19, 2020, held at the Yeniboğaziçi beach resort, consisting of the presentation and exhibition of youth center projects developed in cooperation with the EMU Faculty of Architecture students (program without thesis) for the needs of young people in the region. Attending the opening were different stakeholders and especially the local community.

Shaped by the Local Youth

At the event, EMU Faculty of Architecture, Architecture Department Chair, Prof. Dr. Resmiye Alpar Atun, while emphasizing the importance of these works carried out on the basis of participation between universities and local governments, Yeniboğaziçi Mayor Mustafa Zurnacılar stated that they will make every attempt to create such opportunities for future works of this kind to be implemented, and will continue to be involved with such works to be an example for future studies. Hasan Eren, the Director of the Youth Department, stated at the opening of the exhibition that he support these works and he cared about such future collaborations.

While the project has been shaped with the contributions of the young people from the first stage, the views and evaluations of the young people from the region, Yeniboğaziçi Mayor, EMU Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture instructor Asst. Prof. Dr. Harun Sevinç and part-time instructor Architect Cenk Atun and students who developed the project said they will work on the basis of participation in the implementation of the selected project.