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EMU Faculty of Architecture’s Prestigious NAAB Accreditation Has Been Extended for Another 6 Years

EMU Faculty of Architecture’s Prestigious NAAB Accreditation Has Been Extended for Another 6 Years

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture has successfully completed the inspection process of The National Architectural Accrediting Board, USA (NAAB), mandatory for all graduates of architecture schools in the USA and Canada to obtain a Bachelor of Architecture. Thus, the NAAB accreditation that EMU Architecture Department has been holding since 2016 has been extended for another 6 years.

The quality education provided to its students by the EMU Architecture Department, the only Department of Architecture on the island of Cyprus with NAAB accreditation, has been re-confirmed in this way. Thanks to the NAAB accreditation, students graduating from EMU Architecture Department programs have the opportunity to pursue their profession in the USA and Canada with a Bachelor of Architecture, while at the same time they have great advantages in getting admitted to graduate programs and finding a job in these countries.

“Achieved as a Result of Teamwork”

In a statement given by EMU Architecture Faculty, Architecture Department Head Prof. Dr. Rafoneeh Mokhtar Shahi Sani and Assistant Head of the Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Öznem Şahali Kovancı, it was put forth that the NAAB accreditation of the department has been achieved as a result of intense and strict inspections, and the said accreditation has been achieved as a result of a team effort contributed by all academic staff of the department. Prof. Dr. Sani also thanked Prof. Dr. Alpar Atun, who served as the Head of the Department of Architecture at the beginning of the process and later has been elected as the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in the new term as well as the department administrative team in the former periods for their important contributions to obtaining the NAAB accreditation.

In a statement made regarding the achievement, EMU Architecture Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Resimiye Alpar Atun pointed out the importance of the pioneering role that the EMU Architecture Department has assumed in architectural education, both in terms of the quality of the education provided and the accreditations it holds. Emphasizing that having the international certification of NAAB is a real prestige for the institution, Prof. Dr. Atun also highlighted its importance in terms of documenting the educational quality of the department. Prof. Dr. Atun stated that for students studying at EMU Architecture Department from many different parts of the world, the fact that their education has international equivalence brings many opportunities in terms of professional practice after their studies. Prof. Dr. Atun expressed her belief that many more successful achievements will be gained and expressed her gratitude to EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, all administrative levels of the university, and everyone who contributed to the process for their sensitivity and support.