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International Achievement by EMU Department of Architecture

International Achievement by EMU Department of Architecture

The Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Architecture located at the Architecture Faculty has successfully completed the NAAB SE process after undergoing numerous evaluations and assessments over a period of three years. During the three years, three different inspection teams have arrived on the island, organizing meetings with the EMU Rector’s Office, Faculty of Architecture department executives, students and academicians. The teams also visited and observed all locations used during education and research by the Department of Architecture. The teams worked in specially a prepared NAAB visitor room for days on end. The NAAB visitor room included selected architectural design projects from the last 5 academic half years, handouts from all courses, handed-in exam and assignments, academic publications of staff members and professional products. All of these items were inspected by the NAAB inspection teams. The Department of Architecture conveyed detailed reports to each NAAB team 4 months before their inspection. After each inspection, the NAAB team provided the department with reports detailing required adjustments. The process was successfully completed in an unusually swift manner.

EMU Architecture Department Chair Prof. Dr. Özgür Dinçyürek stated that the third and final visit was evaluated by the NAAB Executive Board and that the official result indicated success for the department. Therefore the EMU Department of Architecture undergraduate program has been granted a NAAB Substantial Equivalency for a period of six years starting on the 1st January 2016. As a result of the accreditation, graduates of EMU Department of Architecture will hold a prestigious diploma allowing them to participate in all sorts of professional and academic tasks with the utmost of ease.

Putting forth that only 7 universities throughout the world, excluding the USA and Canada, have completed the Substantial Equivalency process, Prof. Dr. Dinçyürek added that EMU Architecture Department acts as a leader among institutions offering studies on architecture.