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EMU Faculty of Dentistry Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Şükrü Tüzmen Leads the Way to New Joint Projects with the University of Tokyo

EMU Faculty of Dentistry Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Şükrü Tüzmen Leads the Way to New Joint Projects with the University of Tokyo

Vice Dean of the Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Dentistry (EMU) Prof. Dr. Şükrü Tüzmen, visited the University of Tokyo in Japan as a guest of the Head of the Department of Malaria Immunology at the Institute of Medical Sciences (IMSUT), Prof. Dr. Cevayir Çoban, and the Director of the International Vaccine Design Center, Vaccine Science Department at IMSUT, Prof. Dr. Ken J. Ishi.

During his visit, Prof. Dr. Tüzmen delivered a speech and answered questions on scientific research topics including "beta-Thalassemia" and "Applications of RNAi Gene Silencing System in Cancer Therapy". Prof. Dr. Tüzmen also prepared the ground for the joint work he will conduct with Prof. Dr. Çoban, the Head of the Department of Malaria Immunology at the Institute in Tokyo. During the visit, Prof. Dr. Tüzmen observed the work of master's and doctoral students in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics, and received information from Prof. Dr. Ishi about the exosome research conducted by his students using the latest technologies.

During the visit, Prof. Dr. Tüzmen also represented EMU Faculty of Dentistry and started to work with Prof. Dr. Çoban as co-advisors for master's and doctoral students in Tokyo. In his statement, Prof. Dr. Tüzmen emphasized that he was stretching out his arms to open the doors to Japan and that he will make another visit to Japan in the near future to carry out joint work with Japanese scientists.