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EMU Faculty of Dentistry Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Şükrü Tüzmen Talk About Pediatric Cancers in the TRNC

EMU Faculty of Dentistry Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Şükrü Tüzmen Talk About Pediatric Cancers in the TRNC

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Dentistry Vice Dean and Molecular Biology and Genetics Specialist Prof. Dr. Şükrü Tüzmen gave a seminar titled "Genetic Diseases in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC): Pediatric Cancers" at the invitation of the Famagusta Kale Lions Club. The said seminar, which was open to public, took place at EMU Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall recently.

In the seminar which was organised on the occasion of Pediatric Cancers Month, Prof. Dr. Tüzmen informed students and participants about scientific study areas, especially regarding adult and pediatric cancers. Explaining the most common types of cancer in children and their symptoms, Prof. Dr. Tüzmen touched upon the distribution of cancer cases in the TRNC over age groups. The seminer garnered the participation of a large group of 53 students, Famagusta Kale Lions and TRNC Gymnastics Club members, EMU academic staff members and the public. At the end of the seminar, certificates of participation were presented to all students.