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EMU Interior Architecture Department Designs 61 Different Guesthouses for Çınarlı

EMU Interior Architecture Department Designs 61 Different Guesthouses for Çınarlı

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture designed 61 different guesthouses for Çınarlı, a village affiliated to Geçitkale Municipality. A statement made by EMU Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture regarding the subject reads as follows, "EMU aims to raise environment-sensitive generations that determine cultural, scientific and technological developments. In addition, service to society is emphasized as one of the important missions of the university. In light of these goals, EMU Interior Architecture Department has added a new one to its community service efforts. Within the scope of ITAS402 Interior Architecture Workshop VI and INAR492 Interior Architecture Studio VI, EMU Department of Interior Architecture collaborated with Geçitkale Municipality. In this context, as part of the Graduation Project of the 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester, guesthouse and interior design projects have been developed for Çınarlı Village.

“Çınarlı's Unique Structure Reflected On The Designs”

The statement continues as follows: “Developed by 61 students under the lead of EMU Interior Architecture Department Chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zehra Öngül, Vice Chair of the Department Assist. Prof. Dr Kamil Güley, under the coordination of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Afet Çeliker Coşkun, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asu Tozan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu Tevfikler Çavuşoğlu, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nil Paşaoğluları Şahin, and with the support of Research Assistants Sıla Su Yanar, Mojtaba Karimnezhad and Gülde Kasım,  the unique proposals were conveyed to the Mayor of Geçitkale Hasan Öztaş in a meeting held recently. The projects, in which the unique structure and characteristics of the Çınarlı Village are reflected in the designs, together with the changing main ideas and space proposals in each project, have been presented to the Municipality of Geçitkale in digital and printed form.