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Logo of Geçitkale Municipality Redesigned with EMU’s Contributions

Logo of Geçitkale Municipality Redesigned with EMU’s Contributions

The logo of Geçitkale Municipality was redesigned and renewed with the support of the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Communication Faculty, Visual Communication Design Department. The new logo, which was determined as a result of a competition participated by department students, was approved by the municipality council and has been put into use.
Speaking on the issue, Geçitkale Mayor Hasan Öztaş stated that the old logo did not respond to contemporary requirements in terms of simplicity, proportion, color, originality and application, and stated that they have been in need of a new logo for a long time. In line with this demand, they contacted  EMU Communication Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Senih Çavuşoğlu. Öztaş added that the facilities of the faculty were mobilized to design the new logo from the beginning of the process. At the end of his speech,  Öztaş  thanked Çavuşoğlu.
Prof. Dr. Çavuşoğlu stated that they organized the said competition among EMU Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Department students to design the new logo of Geçitkale Municipality and expressed that they are very happy to be supporting this project as EMU.

The Winning Logo Belongs to Kemal Menemenci

Providing information about the competition organized to determine the new logo, EMU Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Department Chair Assist. Prof. Dr. Fırat Tüzünkan stated that 35 students participated in the competition and Vice Chair of the Department Shahryar Mirzaalikhani and lecturer Marjan Khajavi also supported the project as advisors. A total of 63 designs featured in the contest, where students worked intensively and produced highly qualified pieces.

As a result of two rounds of evaluation due to the difficulty experienced by jury members regarding the selection of the winner, the logo designed by EMU Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Department student Kemal Menemenci won the first place. The design, which embodies today's contemporary design requirements, received full points from all jury members as a logo that artistically blends the olive tree, one of the symbols of the Geçitkale region, and the Cittaslow membership of the Municipality.