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EMU is Once Again on the World’s Best Young Universities List

EMU is Once Again on the World’s Best Young Universities List

The U.K. based Times Higher Education (THE), the publisher of the world's most widely referenced university rankings announced the 2020 Best Young University rankings of the world. The rankings include universities which started their educational activities in the last 50 years. The Eastern Mediterranean University is the only university from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to succeed a place on the rankings, entering at the 251-300 band. Rankings allow comparisons of younger institutions, especially in terms of publication, citation, quality of education and internationalization.

In the list where 23 Turkish universities have taken place and EMU is within the top 5, the world’s number one university has been declared as Hong Kong of Science and Technology.  On the list, the increase in the universities of developing countries is remarkable. While 26 from India, 11 from Malaysia and 6 from China are included in the ranking, only 4 young universities from the USA were included in the list. While EMU from the TRNC was the only university on the list, two universities from Southern Cyprus also managed to enter the list.

Evaluating young universities under the age of 50 in terms of quality of education, scientific research, bibliographic references, international visibility and industrial income, THE announced its best Young Universities Ranking from its official website. The same performance scales were used in the general THE World List in the ranking. As it is known, EMU is the only university to enter the list from the TRNC by preserving its position in the 801-1000 band in the Times Higher Education (THE) 2020 World University Rankings, which includes only 1376 universities among more than 25 thousand universities.

Aykut Hocanın

“I am Proud”

Making a statement on the subject, EMU Rector. Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın expressed the pride he felt when he received the letter sent to him from the THE Editor, with the information that EMU once again took place in the said rankings. Underlining that EMU is a world class institution of higher education, Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın emphasized that this is confirmed by the accreditations obtained and this success is an indicator of the importance given to an institution.

Stating that success is never a coincidence and EMU continues to grow and develop day by day, Prof. Dr. Hocanın stated that EMU aims to be the leader on the island and one of the best in the world as a university. Prof. Dr. Hocanın thanked all the teachers who contributed to EMU's success.