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EMU Physics Department Chair Prof. Dr. İzzet Sakallı Receives Europhysics Letters Distinguished Referee Award

EMU Physics Department Chair Prof. Dr. İzzet Sakallı Receives Europhysics Letters Distinguished Referee Award

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Arts and Sciences Faculty, Physics Department Chair Prof. Dr. İzzet Sakallı is granted with 2023 Distinguished Referee Award by the prestigious science journal Europhysics Letters (EPL) of the European Physical Society. Prof. Dr. Sakallı is the only scientist from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus receiving the award granted to only 40 scholars all around the world. On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Sakallı is one of the two scientists who have received the award from Republic of Turkey, making the EMU and Turkish science world proud. Prof. Dr. Sakallı had also received the very same award back in 2021. Prof. Dr. Sakallı’s achievements bring great prestige to EMU in the world of science. Moreover, Prof. Dr. Sakallı became an ordinary member of the European Physical Society by virtue of his success.

Scholars Only with High Quality Referee Performances receive the Award

The Distinguished Referee of the Year Award, which is bestowed upon only those academics who perform high-quality peer reviewing, is awarded by the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Office, taking into consideration the quality, number, and timeliness of their reports, to a distinguished group of referees who provide extremely useful and constructive evaluations of articles submitted for publication in the EPL journal.

EPL is published under the scientific policy and control of the European Physical Society by Édition Diffusion Presse (EDP) Sciences, Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing and the Società Italiana di Fisica for a partnership of 17 European physical societies. EPL stands out in the field of physics as a prestigious physics letters journal included in the Web of Science, published twice a month under the scientific responsibility of the European Physical Society.