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EMU Arts And Sciences Faculty Physics Department Members Attend The Feza Gürsey Research Center (Boğaziçi University) Winter School

EMU Arts And Sciences Faculty Physics Department Members Attend The Feza Gürsey Research Center (Boğaziçi University) Winter School

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Arts and Sciences Faculty, Physics Department attended the “Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics 2022” Winter School at the invitation of Boğaziçi University’s world renowned research center Feza Gürsey Physics and Mathematics Application and Research Center.

During the winter school, EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty Physics and Chemistry Departments’ Head Prof. Dr. İzzet Sakallı delivered postgraduate level Quantum-Gravitational Physics courses for 3 days. On the other hand, Physics Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. Seyedhabibollah Mazharimousavi successfully represented EMU by delivering a seminar on Advanced Level Curved Spaces Physics.

The Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics 2022 Winter School is an international educational event (therefore, delivered in English) which consists of five pedagogical course series and six seminars that focuses on various topics in theoretical physics. Postgraduate students and researchers got the chance to take advanced level courses such as high-energy, quantum, cosmology, condensed matter and gravitational physics. More information on Feza Gürsey Physics and Mathematics Application and Research Center 2022 Winter School is accessible at