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EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç Meets with Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar

EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç Meets with Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar

On 23 December, 2023, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç, the Rector of the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), had a meeting with Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar, the Rector of Ankara University. The said meeting was held at the Rectorate of Ankara Social Sciences University's North Cyprus Campus and saw the participation of key figures from both institutions, including EMU Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Osman M. Karatepe; Prof. Dr. Orhan Çelik, the Vice Rector Deputy of Ankara University; and Vice Rectors from Ankara Social Sciences University North Cyprus Campus, Dr. Volkan Nurçin and Dr. Zeki Akçam.

"Ready to Offer Full Support"

During the meeting, Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar emphasized the pivotal role of EMU as the pioneering university in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), highlighting its notable alumni achievements. Acknowledging Ankara University's establishment in 1946 as the first university of the Republican era, Prof. Dr. Ünüvar stressed the importance of fostering close collaboration between the two prominent institutions. He mentioned the recent collaboration protocol inked between EMU and Ankara University, aiming to bolster their partnership and explore new avenues. Prof. Dr. Ünüvar reiterated Ankara University's commitment to extending any necessary support to EMU.

"Strengthening Collaboration for Mutual Growth"

Expressing pride in getting together with Ankara University's Rector and academics, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç highlighted the honor of hosting such a prestigious institution in the TRNC. Prof. Dr. Kılıç outlined their vision to expand this relationship across various fields. He underscored EMU's journey to its current state, attributing its success to the Republic of Turkey, and expressed their aspiration to elevate the ties between Ankara University and EMU for the mutual benefit of both institutions. Prof. Dr. Kılıç assured Ankara University of EMU's preparedness for collaboration across all domains.

After the discussions, representatives and administrators from both universities deliberated on potential areas to expand the collaboration protocol. As the meeting concluded, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç presented a Cypriot silk cocoon panel unique to Cyprus to Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar, while Prof. Dr. Ünüvar presented a plaque bearing the Ankara University logo to Prof. Dr. Kılıç as gestures of appreciation.