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EMU Robotics Team Prepares for International Robosub Competition

EMU Robotics Team Prepares for International Robosub Competition

Eastern Mediterranean University Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch (EMU-IEEE) Robotics Team is preparing for ROBOSUB 2019 Autonomous Submarine Competition. The most prestigious universities in the world will compete at ROBOSUB 2019 which will take place in California, USA. After winning the “Mind Control” category of ROBOTEX 2018 in Estonia, EMU-IEEE Robotics Team visited EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam along with Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Chair Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel in order to discuss their future projects. EMU-IEEE Robotics Team presented their submarine robot “Caretta2” to Prof. Dr. Osam and asked for his support. Prof. Dr. Osam stated that EMU competes with the world’s leading universities and he will provide full support for EMU-IEEE Robotics Team.

EMU Robotics Team

Competition on the 1st of August 2019

EMU-IEEE Robotics Team made the following statement regarding the subject: “ROBOSUB which is organized by one of the world’s largest robotics communities ROBONATION, is realized with the annual participation of 40 universities. The aim of the competition is to complete the missions given in 15 minutes by the autonomous submarine. These missions are organized within the scope of contemporary scientific research about the continuing Autonomous Underwater Systems. The largest robotics team in our country, AQUABOTICS, is formed together with EMU IEEE Robotics Team and consists of 15 students from different engineering departments. This team is preparing to compete in the USA to represent our university. Students from the departments of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering have been assigned to the team. The team prepares for the ROBOSUB competition which will begin on the 1st of August 2019 under the guidance and supervision of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Chair Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel.”