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EMU Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Master’s Student Farhang Naderi’s Remarkable Success

EMU Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Master’s Student Farhang Naderi’s Remarkable Success

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Engineering Faculty, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Master’s student Farhang Naderi will be a speaker at the international conference organized by the Dronecode Foundation community as part of the ROS World 2020 event, which includes programming methods used in robot studies. Over 2,000 participants will participate in the conference to be held online on Thursday, 12 November, 2020. Naderi, who produces and develops drones for his thesis project, will explain his programming work on unmanned aerial vehicles in areas without GPS access at 2:00 p.m. at a presentation titled "Getting Started with PX4 and MAVROS".

Naderi is Also a Member of Champion EMU Robotics Team

Naderi also a member of the EMU Robotics Team, the champion of ROBOTEX International 2019. EMU Robotics Team formed by the Robotics and Automation Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), which has more than 430 thousand members in 160 countries and whose foundations were laid by great scientists such as Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison.  The said team operates under the coordination of Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel.

Participation in the event, in which EMU Engineering Faculty Electrical and Electronic Engineering Master’s Student Farhang Naderi will take place as a speaker, is free of charge. The event can be accessed at