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EMU Signs Collaboration Protocols with Tatlısu Municipality

EMU Signs Collaboration Protocols with Tatlısu Municipality

Two collaboration protocols were signed by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) and the Tatlısu Municipality. One of the protocols signed is a “Cittaslow Consultancy and Reporting Service” protocol and the other is a “Collaboration” protocol. Both protocols were signed on the 21st of December 2016 at the EMU Rector’s Office by EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam and Tatlısu Mayor Ahmet Hayri Orçan at 10:00.

Prof. Dr. Osam noted that EMU is a university that values community, underlining the fact that it continues its social responsibility projects in the context of consultancy. Prof. Dr. Osam also added to his words that EMU is providing consultancy for 2 out of the 3 municipalities at the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) that are members of Cittaslow. Prof. Dr. Osam provided a reminder that the university is currently providing consultancy for Geçitkale Municipality that is in the process of the Cittaslow membership application process concluding by expressing his belief that the protocol signed with the Tatlısu Municipality will yield successful outcomes.

Tatlısu Mayor Orçan stated that eco tourism and “Cittaslow” or “Slow Food” movement understanding is becoming more prevalent in the TRNC with each passing day. Noting that EMU is contributing to society by being aware of its social responsibility, Orçan said that he is very happy to be in collaboration with EMU. Calling EMU an educational locomotive, Orçan stated that working with the TRNC’s best institution of higher education is a big honor for them. Orçan concluded by relaying his belief that the collaboration will end in success.

Present at the signature ceremony were EMU Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Özgür Eren and Prof. Dr. M. Yaşar Özden, Dean of the Architecture Faculty Dr. Özgür Dinçyürek, Interior Architecture Department Chair Prof. Dr. Uğur Ulaş Dağlı, Architecture Faculty academic staff and Municipality personnel.