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Two EMU Interior Architecture Department Celebrations In One Night

Two EMU Interior Architecture Department Celebrations In One Night

The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Architecture, Interior Architecture Department organized an AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs) Accreditation Certificate and a 2015-2016 Spring Term Honour and High Honour Certificate Ceremony. The ceremony took place at the Famagusta Walled City Assocition (MASDER) building located in the Famagusa Walled city. 

Uğur Ulaş Dağlı

Speaking at the said event EMU Interior Architecture Department Chair Prof. Dr. Uğur Ulaş Dağlı noted that they are very pleased to be celebrating two important events, thanking all in attendance. Touching upon the importance of AQAS, Prof. Dr. Dağlı stated that EMU is the first university in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus whose Interior Architecture Faculty has AQAS accreditation (headquarters in Germany).

Ronny Heintz

In his speech AQAS Accreditation International Relations Representative Ronny Heintz congratulated the EMU Faculty of Architecture for its success handing Prof. Dr. Uğur Ulaş Dağlı the accreditation certificate valid until 2019.

Özgür Dinçyürek

Dean of the EMU Faculty of Architecture Prof. Dr. Özgür Dinçyürek thanked all who played a part in the event coming to fruition, congratulating the Interior Architecture students about to receive their Honour and High Honour certificates. After the speeches, the students were handed their Honour and High Honour certificates by EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Özgür Eren and Architecture Faculty academicians.

Towards the end of the night a musical performance from EMU Education Faculty, Fine Arts Department academic staff member Erkan Dağlı and music teacher Rana Uluçay took place. The night came to an end with a cocktail after the musical performance.