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EMU Social Media & Brand Week’ 17

EMU Social Media & Brand Week’ 17

Organised by the Eastern Mediterranean University Social Media Unit in collaboration with EMU Communication and Media Studies Faculty, Social Media and Brand Week’17 commenced with the opening addresses which took place at EMU Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, 18 October 2017. Attended by a crowded group of EMU students and local/international participants, the event also hosted representatives from various organisations. The opening address of the event was delivered by EMU Institutional Communications, Social Media and Web Office Coordinator Raziye Nevzat. Expressing her pride and pleasure in hosting the Second Social Media and Brand Week, Nevzat also stated that this year’s event attracted more interest. Nevzat also thanked sponsoring firms for their support and EMU Rector’s Office for their contributions.

Agah Gümüş

“It is Possible to Have a Career in Social Media”

Delivering a speech at the event, EMU Communications and Media Studies Acting Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Agah Gümüş stated that the Social Media and Brand Week addresses all sectors and businesses as it concerns everyone. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Agah Gümüş added that a considerable number of people work in the field of Social Media. Thanking all participants for attending this unique event, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gümüş put forth that the participants will greatly benefit from the experiences of the experts during the conference.

“Social Media Poses Great Advantage for EMU”

Vice Rector for International Affairs and Promotion Prof. Dr. Cem Tanova also delivered a speech in which he thanked all those in attendance.  Stating that Eastern Mediterranean University is an institution competing with the leading universities of the world, Prof. Dr. Tanova highlighted the important role of social media in this competitive environment regarding the promotion of the university and its activities. Prof. Dr. Tanova thanked all participants for their interest in the event and welcomed them. At he end of his speech, Prof. Dr. Tanova presented plaques of appreciation to the event sponsors Turkish Airlines, North Cyprus Turkcell and Cookies.

Feras Saleh’s and Moses Shawaly

Social Media in North Africa

The first session of EMU Social Media and Brand Week commenced with BBC Media Action Social Media Director Feras Saleh’s and MK Solutions Founder Moses Shawaly’s  joint presentation.  During the presentation, the speakers touched upon the place and use of social media in North Africa, especially in Libya and Tunisia. Saleh ile Shawaly provided information on the demographic structure and the number of social media users in the said regions. Saleh ile Shawaly also displayed a video regarding the BBC and MK Solutions’ method of operations.

Bilge Onur

“Customer-based Content is Extremely Important for Us”

During the second session of EMU Social Media and Brand Week, Turkcell Tactical Marketing and Brand Communication Director Bilge Onur presented information on the marketing strategies of Turkcell on social media and “Emocan”, the brand face of Turkcell. At the end of the presentation, Bilge Onur distributed Emocan toys to participants.

Neydi Olacağı (Gülşen Erçin, Mehmet Ekin Vaiz)

As part of the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) “Social Media and Brand Week “organized by the Social Media Unit in collaboration with the Communication and Media Studies Faculty “Neydi Olacağı” political humor sketch directors Mehmet Ekin Vaiz and Gülşen Erçin were hosted at EMU.

At the talk that took place at the EMU Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall, Vaiz and Erçin shared with the audience their experience in advertising and political humor. Highlighting the importance of the narrative Vaiz and Erçin stated that their success in the field of advertising and political humor lies in the use of the elements of traditional Cypriot culture. During their presentation the duo screened their famous advertisements for "Dünya Oto" and "Gelinler&Damatlar" as well as their political sketches such as "Memurizm" and "Siber Saldırı".

Mehmet Ekin Vaiz

“In the TRNC there is tolerance towards political humor”

Vaiz indicated that political humor isn’t a very widespread type of humor stating: “Turkey’s political climate isn’t suitable for political humor, but in the TRNC there is tolerance towards political humor.” Speaking on their sketches that that touch upon civil servants as well their sketches that criticize politicians Vaiz noted that they create humor by using the things that annoy them as TRNC citizens as a starting point. Vaiz also quoted Charlie Chaplin stating: “Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.”

Gülşen Erçin

“The Cypriot community laughs at sincere humor”

Meanwhile, Erçin ascribed the success recieved by their advertisements to the fact that they reflect elements of Cypriot culture and stories of the self: “The Cypriot community laughs at sincere humor. They don’t laugh at what is not sincere.” Erçin noted that for the first time two advertisements were shared on social media at the same time with the advertisements "Gelinler&Damatlar", defining this as an important achievement. “Our success is related to the connection of stories with the place we live.” Vaiz-Erçin also indicated that despite customers always wanting their products to be seen, indirect speech produces much better results. The organization ended with Mehmet Ekin Vaiz and Gülşen Erçin being presented plaques of appreciation.

Enis Baruh

Day 2 of Social Media and Brand Week’17 started with the presentation of Enis Baruh, the Creative Director of one of Turkey’s leading agencies, Wanda Digital. In his presentation titled ‘From the Depths of Digital Agency to the Future of Digital Advertisement’, Baruh presented information on the ever-increasing development processes of digital world which started in 2010 in Turkey. Baruh also provided detailed information to students on the working environment of the agencies.

Enis Baruh

“Ones that Manage to Adapt Will Survive”

Stating the difficulty of predicting the future in digital world, Baruh suggested the students who are considering to study in the field of social media or digital advertising not to settle their future plans on a specific company or sector as seen in the case of ‘Vine’. Even social media platforms which obtain huge effects on glocal scale can be shut down within just 3 years of their establishment. Emphasing the statement of well-known scientist Charles Darwin on ‘The Survival of the Fittest’, which is ‘It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent but the species that survives is the one that is able to best adapt and adjust to change’ which can be applied in the ever changing digital world, Baruh mentioned the salary rates of the sector as well as the principles of the agencies on working and adapting.

Khaled Akbik

“I am a Graduate of EMU, too”

The second session of the second day of EMU Social Media and Brand Week ’17 hosted EMU Business Department master’s program graduate and OMD Global Media Agency’s United Arab Emirates Social Media Director Khaled Akbik’s presentation. Starting his presentation by showing his EMU diploma, Akbik stated that he is a member of the EMU family as he is a former graduate. Akbik screened a short promotional video about OMD Global Media Agency and provided information on his work on digital advertising as well as the advertising sector in the United Arab Emirates. Adding that the salaries in his region are higher than those in Turkey, Akbik put forth that each region has special demographic qualities and that the most important thing is to know how to attract and maintain the attention of different levels of community in these regions. 

Social Media and Brand Week’17 finished with the presentation of Soner Beyhan,  Hepsiburada Culture, Entertainment and Office Supplies Category Director at EMU Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall at 2:15 p.m. on Thursday, 19 October 2017.

Soner Beyhan

“Data Validation as a Job of the Future”

Stating that he studied at İstanbul High School and later on graduated from Sabancı University with a bachelor's and master's degree in Industrial Engineering, Beyhan put forth that he had his first encounter with the telecommunications sector during his marketing career. Soner Beyhan worked at Online Communications, Customer Experience and Digital Marketing departments and participated in projects such as Creative Large Data, Digital Brand Communication and e-commerce.

Beyhan also provided detailed information about his duties and responsibilities at and highlighted the importance of data in advertising, the relationship between the data and the advertiser and data protection. Beyhan concluded his presentation by stating that one of the popular jobs of the future will be data validation. 

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