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EMU Social Media Unit Awards the Winner of the "Being a Student in Cyprus" Blog Competition

EMU Social Media Unit Awards the Winner of the "Being a Student in Cyprus" Blog Competition

EMU Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Banking and Finance student Rehab Uddin has won a blog competition titled “Being a Student in Cyprus”. The competition was organized by the Social Media Unit and the winner was awarded an I-Pad Mini. Competitors were asked to share their experiences and stories about Cyprus and being a student on the island.

Whilst being handed his award by EMU Vice Rector in charge of International Relations and Recruitment Prof. Dr. Hasan Amca, Uddin expressed his pleasure of studying at EMU.

Uddin went on to thank EMU and the Social Media Unit whilst expressing his happiness regarding his work being admired and taking first place in the competition. In his blog, Uddin spoke about his everyday life, his friends and family and being a student at EMU.

Uddin noted that EMU is an international university where prominent members of staff provide high quality education on a multicultural campus. Uddin also mentioned that he first started writing on his personal blog “Arte Reflexivo” and that he is a member of the Turkish writer’s community where he writes short stories.