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Social Media and Brand Week Commenced in EMU

Social Media and Brand Week Commenced in EMU

Organised by Eastern Mediterranean University Social Media Unit in collaboration with EMU Communication and Media Studies Faculty, “Social Media and Brand Week” commenced at Mustafa Afşin Ersoy  Hall at 10:00 a.m. on 6 April 2016.

In her opening address, EMU Institutional Communications and Social Media Coordinator Raziye Nevzat welcomed all participants and stated that Social Media, a platform used by billions today, is a great area that carries special significance for marketers, brand managers, social media experts and people. Providing information about EMU Social Media Unit, Nevzat thanked all those who contributed to the event.

EMU Communication and Media Studies Faculty Acting Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ümit İnatçı also delivered an opening address during which he stated the importance of Social Media. Assoc. Prof. Dr. İnatçı wished all participants a productive conference and thanked them for their participation.

On behalf of Eastern Mediterranean University, Rector of EMU Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam delivered a speech and expressed the university’s happiness in being a pioneering institution within the region in the field of social media. Talking about EMU becoming a brand, Prof. Dr. Osam put forth that the biggest indicator for this is the students coming to EMU from 106 different cultures. Adding that social media is the weapon of our age, Prof. Dr. Osam stated that social media can be used both for good and bad purposes. At the end of his speech, Prof. Dr. Osam presented conference sponsors Turkish Airlines, North Cyprus Turkcell, and Cookies Bake Shop plaques of appreciation.

During the organisation Thomas Van Schaik delivered a presentation entitled “Athlete Branding”, Maarten Reijgerberg talked about “Sketching the global social media landscape with a focus on Europe and The Netherlands”, Director of North Cyprus Turkcell İsmet Yazıcı delivered a talk entitled “Fast and Furious” and Azra Betül Yaşar from Turkcell talked about  “Customer Care and Social CRM”.   

On 7 April 2016, Brand Coordinator Amal El Alami will be delivering a talk entitled “Private vs Public sector: In your corners!”, Berk Günsev from Sony will be presenting information about “Life of a gamer: How to communicate with gamers” and Fatih Tüylüoğlu from C-Section will be enlightening the audience with his talk entitled “Brands of today: Campaigns worth sharing.”