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EMU Social Studies Educational Program Introduced To Form Teachers

EMU Social Studies Educational Program Introduced To Form Teachers

The first presentation of the Social Studies Educational Program developed as part of the Primary Education Program Development project, took place as a result of  the cooperation between the Eastern Mediterranean University(EMU) and  the TRNC Ministry of Education. The project was introduced to 4th year form teachers from Nicosia, Kyrenia and Morphou at the Open Learnig Faculty. The second presentation took place at Rauf Raif Denktaş Culture and Congress Hall with the participation of 4th year form teachers from İskele and Famagusta. The final presentation of the project took place at the Nicosia Türk Maarif College and included all 6th year form teachers.

Academic consultant to the Social Studies Program Commission and EMU Education Faculty, Elementary Education Department academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süheyla Üçışık Erbilen answered audience questions after introducing the program details to the attendees.

The philosophy of the newly reformed program was indicated by Assoc. Dr. Erbilen as follows: “The Educational Program of Social Studies was arranged for students to understand how people managed to live together as individuals and in groups from past to present, and how they interacted with their physical and social environments. In addition to this, the program allows its students to reach accurate information and approach social events with an investigative understanding. The program contributes to the student’s ability and creativity when problem solving by making them wisely question information. Our aim is to let the students of TRNC perceive the society they are living in as an entirety, by looking at its history, geography, economy, culture, art, administration and social groups; to value and protect the nature and people of the country and to actively participate in the society”.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erbilen, described the newly formed program’s aim as a providing a contribution to raise confident, free and autonomous individuals who participate in their social and physical environment based on knowledge in order to gain intellectual, social and affective maturity.