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EMU "Welcomes" New Students

EMU "Welcomes" New Students

Within the framework of the 19th Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Orientation Days, a “Welcoming Festival” was organized at the EMU Atatürk Square. The organization that started at 8:00 p.m. on the 30th of September 2016 aimed to celebrate the arrival of newly registered students. The night included the participation of administrative and academic units as well as student clubs, faculties and schools, who carried out promotional activities.

In addition to the promotional activities, various stage shows, musical performances, recreational activities and competitions also took place. The night was sponsored by Koop Milk and Oza Coffee whose products were distributed to those attending the event alongside Cypriot çörek and halloumi. Coca- Cola was also distributed by the Kaner Group of Companies.

The night got under way with a dance performance by the EMU Folk Dancing Society and continued with a musical performance by The Consonants. After a demonstration from the American Football Club performances from the Music Club, the Dance Club and the Musical Society followed.

During the Welcoming Night EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam and Vice Rector in charge of Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. M. Yasar Ozden took to the stage speaking to the new students, welcoming them to the university and wishing them good luck in their academic careers.

The night continued as two of the best bands in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) “Group Rast” and the reggae band “The Healers” took to the stage.

Those attending the event had a great time thoroughly enjoying the various performances.