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EMU’s 2019-2020 Academic Year Commences with Art

EMU’s 2019-2020 Academic Year Commences with Art

The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) 2019-2020 Academic Year Briefing and Opening Exhibition took place with two events. A Briefing and Reception took place at Nicosia Bedesten on Friday, the 20th of September 2019 at 19:00. Ümit Ali Esinler Retrospective Exhibition and Book Promotion took place at the Nicosia Sol Exhibition Hall on Monday, the 23rd of September 2019 at 19:00. The Briefing and Reception event which took place on the 20th of September 2019 commenced with a screening of EMU’s 40th anniversary video. The screening was followed by opening speeches. EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam thanked everyone for their participation and noted that EMU is a public institution that has proven its quality both in the TRNC and the beyond.

Necdet Osam

“EMU Is Contributing to Art”

Prof. Dr. Osam stated that EMU strives to provide the best education in order to contribute to society without seeking profit. In this context, Prof. Dr. Osam noted that they are carrying out important work relating to art and academia. Highlighting that they are collecting the work of local artist with the goal of conveying them to future generations, Prof. Dr. Osam indicated that they have collected 390 pieces of art under the roof of EMU. Prof. Dr. Osam concluded by stating that EMU is contributing to art, science and society on unrecognized lands.

Zehra Şonya

After Prof. Dr. Osam EMU-CCS Visual Arts Project Coordinator and sculptor Zehra Şonya announced EMU’s art policy, perspectives, decisions and annual goals for the 2019-2020 Academic Year. Information was also provided about events that will be organized this year. The event came to an end with a cocktail that took place after the opening speeches were delivered.

Ümit Ali Esinler

Ümit Ali Esinler Retrospective Exhibition and Book Promotion

Ümit Ali Esinler Retrospective Exhibition and Book Promotion took place on Monday, the 23rd of September 2019 at the Nicosia Sol Exhibition Hall. Ümit Ali Esinler Retrospective Exhibition and Book Promotion relayed the important role played by Ümit Ali Esinler (known as Foto Ümit) in the Turkish Cypriot photography. The book on Ümit Ali Esinler was written by photography connoisseur Kadir Kaba and EMU-CCS Visual Arts Project Coordinator Zehra Şonya, who also curated the exhibition. The opening of the exhibition was attended by EMU Vice Rector for Administrative and Technical Affairs / EMU-CCS Board Member Prof. Dr. Naciye Doratlı, EMU-CCS Visual Arts Project Coordinator and Exhibition Curator Zehra Şonya, Exhibition Curator Kadir Kaba, photography connoisseur Ümit Ali Esinler and many art lovers.

The exhibition also included the promotion of photography connoisseur Ümit Ali Esinler’s book that will be published by EMU-CCS. Ümit Ali Esinler started his photography journey in 1940 at the tender age of 8. In art and life he is known for his modesty and humbleness. He did things his way to produce satisfying, quality photography.

His passion for light was the source of his success in black and white photography. His portraits include clues about how he analysed identity and absorbed the subject. Ümit Ali Esinler didn’t shy away from reflecting his opinions on social and political events in his photographs by incorporating the concepts of criticism and irony in his art.