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Latest EMU Art Event – Günay Güzelgün Exhibition

Latest EMU Art Event – Günay Güzelgün Exhibition

Within the scope of Eastern Mediterranean University’s (EMU) art events organized in collaboration with Rüstem Bookstore, Günay Güzelgün’s second exhibition titled “Gönül Gözü” was held at Rüstem Bookstore on 9 November 2020 – Monday at 18:30 by Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar. Republic of Turkey Nicosia Embassy Authorities, representatives of TRNC universities, EMU Board of Trustees President Dr. Erdal Özcenk, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, Board of Trustees members, Vice Rectors, academic staff members and many art-lovers attended the exhibition. 

Nearly 80 of water color and pastel work of the artist was exhibited. Similarly to the first exhibition of Günay Güzelgün, this second exhibition also consists of artist’s work from her diary, drawings made for herself, tentative drawings in which artist explores the colors and, artists freeform drawing practices.

Zehra Şonya

“Honor to Work with Günay Güzelgün”

EMU Art Coordinator and Art Curator Zehra Şonya delivered the a speech during the opening ceremony of the exhibition and said: “Tonight, we are delighted to be with you here at the friendly atmosphere of Rüstem Bookstore. We are gathered together for the second exhibition of Günay Güzelgün whose first exhibition was nearly a year ago. Within the scope of protocol signed between Rüstem Bookstore and EMU, we launch exhibitions in which we aimed to bring in artists who prefer to work in remote areas (villages, far from cities) or, prefer not to or not able to appear in such events and, who are not known by the youngsters of the society. Our goal is to re-introduce these artists with the society by showing their work and also make academic publishing regarding their stories.  Our future plans include a book on all the artworks of Günay Güzelgün. Even though Güzelgün is not in the public eye, as can be seen in her work, she is rather sensitive, productive, and has a quite colorful world who is also humorous. Still holding to the village life and Cypriot roots, Güzelgün tries to reflect these into her work. It is an honor to work with Günay Güzelgün”.

Aykut Hocanın

“EMU is a Pioneer in terms of serving the Public”

EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın also made a speech during the ceremony: “Our artist’s first solo exhibition was back in January 2020 held within the scope of EMU-Rüstem Bookstore projects. Today we are honored to be hosting you for the opening ceremony of Güzelgün’s second exhibition. EMU is a state university and is one of the most important institution in the field of higher education in TRNC. EMU plays a leading role in providing quality education, making research and serving the public. In this respect, art is among the projects of EMU. With its art projects, EMU continues its art collection studies on passing the art works of native artists to the next generations. These art collections will act as a museum for the society in future. I would like to thank Rüstem Bookstore for providing us this opportunity and for future collaborations. Lastly, I would like to thank our valuable artist, Günay Güzelgün”.

Ersin Tatar

“I thank EMU for such a Nice Event”

During his speech TRNC President Ersin Tatar touched on the following; “I would like to wish success to our artist, Günay Güzelgün. Apart from the art that is developing and spreading in TRNC, it is our wealth to bring such artists of our own together with the society and giving a message to the whole world through the media. Therefore, events like this one shall continue. I would like to thank EMU for organizing this event. Another richness is obtained by organizing the event in the historic atmosphere of Rüstem Bookstore. With its own characteristics, culture, traditions and its Cypriot artists, Turkish Cypriot community strives to survive. While continuing its struggles to survive, it is vital to show both our society and the world that being a community that has sovereignty and equality in its basis. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our valuable artist, EMU’s precious Borad of Trustee’s President, Rector and other authorities”. 

Following the opening speeches, TRNC President Ersin Tatar and EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın presented a plaque to Günay Güzelgün. The exhibition that attracted great attention will be open for visitors between 9 and 21 November 2020 from 10:00 to 18:00, expect the Sundays.

Who is Günay Güzelgün?

Güzelgün was born in the village of Lurucina, Cyprus in 1944 and graduated from Ankara Gazi Institute for Education – Department of Art in 1968. Settled in İskele and worked as a teacher for many years. Between the years of 1982-1999, Güzelgün attended many group exhibitions. Artist’s first solo exhibition was held in January 2020 within the scope of the collaboration between EMU and Rüstem Bookstore. Artist also has another solo exhibition on photography. She still lives in İskele and continues her art career.