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EMU’s Art Activities Continue with Günay Güzelgün Exhibition

EMU’s Art Activities Continue with Günay Güzelgün Exhibition

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) continues its artistic activities within the framework of the protocol signed with Rüstem Bookstore. In this context, EMU diversified its activities with the design exhibition of Günay Güzelgün, a Cypriot artist who was born in 1944 in Luricina. The exhibition opened on Monday, January 6, 2020, at 18:30 at the Rustem Bookstore.

Attending the exhibition were EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, Founder Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Aydin Karakuzu, Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Hamurtekin, Head of Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Department Prof. Dr. Senih Çavuşoğlu, EMU Art Coordinator and Exhibition Curator Zehra Şonya, Artist Günay Güzelgün, Rüstem Bookstore employees and art lovers. Günay Güzelgün's exhibition can be visited until January 31, 2020, except Sundays, from 10:00 to 19:00.


The opening speech of the exhibition, which includes around 140 drawings, was held by EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, who said, “When we took office about six years ago, we stated that a university must have certain criteria for being a university and one of them is the value that can be given to the society and the artist. During these six years, I and my dear colleagues have shown our best efforts to protect and work with our esteemed artists living in Cyprus, and we have added nearly 400 pieces of artwork to our archive. Therefore, when I look at it from my own perspective and evaluate my sensitivity towards society, it makes me very happy that we have not reached a bad point in those six years. ”


Prof. Dr. Osam emphasized his wish that the rector, who will take over the office after him, should maintain this vision, and continued “Because the university is not only producing qualified publications and educating people. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out the necessary work that will contribute to the culture of the society, albeit to a certain extent.

We have shown our best efforts so far and I am very happy. The important thing here is to be able to reveal our secret artists and display them for the community to see. This evening's exhibition is of great importance in this respect. I would like to thank our dear coordinator Zehra Şonya for the work she has done and will do so far. I believe that the works to follow will contribute greatly to the island. The fact that a nation can reach certain points in time is a feature that can emerge with its serious approach to works of art and artists. As EMU, this is what we are trying to do, and I hope it will be a long-term effort and our artists will take their place both in society and in literature. I sincerely thank our artist and curator for providing us with this opportunity. ”


Speaking at the opening of the exhibition artist Günay Güzelgün said: “I would like to greet everyone who has come and graced us with their presence. I would like to thank Zehra Şonya, our esteemed sculptor who spent time and effort to organize this event, my mother and father who created me, and everyone who has made the smallest contribution to me at this stage. I am indebted to and thank the white soil, water, deep blue sky, surrounding hills and the beauty and values ​​that I cannot finish counting of my unique village”.