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Genna Advertising Agency Chair Selim Tuncer Meets EMU Students

Genna Advertising Agency Chair Selim Tuncer Meets EMU Students

As part of the 5th International Career Week organized by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Graduate Communications and Career Research Center Directorate, Genna Advertising Agency Chair Selim Tuncer met with students at EMU Communication and Media Studies Faculty. The talk titled “Brand and Advertising” took place at EMU Faculty of Communication and Media Studies Purple Hall.

During the opening address, the Communication and Media Studies Faculty Academic Staff Member İpek Halim thanked Tuncer for his participation wishing everyone a useful talk.

Tuncer spoke about his career experiences providing students with advice and hints about branding and advertising. Tuncer stated that advertisements determine the brand perception of consumers, “The written presence of a commodity is its logo, and its verbal presence is the brand.” In addition, Tuncer stated that brand names should be short and memorable highlighting the importance of the compatibility of the concept and brand.

The talk that continued with the demonstration and analysis of advertisements created by Tuncer ended after a question and answer session. At the end of the talk Tuncer was handed a traditional Cypriot Lefkara frame in appreciation for his participation.