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Two Industrial Engineers at EMU for the International Career Week

Two Industrial Engineers at EMU for the International Career Week

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department graduates Dr. Mohammad Mesgarpour (Academician at University of Nottingham in England) and Mustafa Parmaksız (Shell Co. Supply Chain & Contract Management Administrator) visited EMU for the 5th International Career Week.

The opening speech of the talks was delivered by EMU Industrial Engineering Department Chair Asst. Prof. Dr. Gökhan İzbırak. Assist. Prof. Dr. Gökhan İzbırak, who provided information about the curriculum vitae of the guests, stated that the students are lucky to be able to listen to these talks and thanked the speakers of the event for sparing time to share their experiences with students by visiting EMU during their intense work schedules. During his speech, Asst. Prof. Dr. İzbırak thanked EMU Rector’s Office for their financial support of the project that welcomed numerous speakers even from outside Cyprus and Turkey.

The department amphitheater was filled by students from the Industrial Engineering and Management Engineering Departments as well as students from different EMU programs. The speakers provided detailed information about the problems they faced and how their EMU education contributed to the solving of these problems. Mohammad Mesgarpour and Mustafa Parmaksız who focused on the importance of teamwork that includes people from different disciplines and of different cultures in today’s world, highlighted that in the cosmopolitan atmosphere which is created by EMU where 20 thousand students coming from 106 different countries and a thousand academicians coming from 35 different countries, the students have the opportunity to recognize and learn foreign cultures, which is very important for a successful career. Particularly, the job interview experiences of the speakers were found helpful by the students and the invited speakers received a round of applause at the end of their speeches.