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Number of Pieces in EMU’s Art Collection Reaches 423

Number of Pieces in EMU’s Art Collection Reaches 423

The art collection project, run by Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Center for Cyprus Studies (DAÜ-KAM), continues to improve and grow. In this scope, a protocol was signed with 6 local artists on January 18th 2019, Friday at EMU Rector’s Office Meeting Room to include 33 more works of art to EMU’s collection. In addition to EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, İnci Kansu (6 pieces), Günay B. Caymaz (5 pieces), Mustafa Öztunç (5 pieces), Hüseyin Özinal (3 pieces), Nurtana Karagil (8 pieces) and Gökçe Keçeci (6 pieces) signed the protocol. Thus, the number of works of art in EMU’s collection has now reached 423. Vice Rector for Administrative and Technical Affairs and DAÜ-KAM President Prof. Dr. Naciye Doratlı was also present during the Protocol Signing Ceremony.

“The Art Works Will Meet the World”

In her speech, DAÜ-KAM Art Projects Coordinator Zehra Şonya thanked all the contributing artists and said that EMU would undertake all necessary precautions for preserving, exhibiting and promoting these pieces. Şonya also stated that a promotional website designed for the collection’s art works will soon be in service. EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam conveyed that since his first day in office, he has been a supporter of the Cyprus Turkish art and artists. He underlined that this support would increasingly continue and that these art works would meet not only the locals, but the world. In her speech, Artist İnci Kansu expressed her gratitude to EMU. She stated that EMU’s art collection initiative is valuable and very satisfactory for the country’s artists. The ceremony ended following the protocol signing and a group photo.