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EMU Center for Cyprus Studies Organising a Meaningful Event

EMU Center for Cyprus Studies Organising a Meaningful Event


Eastern Mediterranean University Center for Cyprus Studies (EMU-CCS) is finalising the preparations for an event entitled “Namık Kemal: The Manuscript Brought to Light”. Organised in collaboration with Famagusta Namık Kemal High School, the event will commence with an exhibition opening at EMU Activity Center at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 2 December 2014.  

By organising such a meaningful event, EMU CCS hopes to commemorate Namık Kemal who lived in Famagusta between 1873 and 1876 and, at the same time, to highlight and exhibit the famous poet and writer’s manuscript entitled  Celaleddin Harzemşâh which was written in 1875.

Commencing with a concert by the students of EMU Education Faculty, Fine Arts Education Department, Music Teaching Program, the event will continue with the opening addresses of  EMU – CCS chair Prof. Dr. Naciye Doratlı, Namık Kemal High School principal İlknur Şemi and TRNC President Dr. Derviş Eroğlu. Following the opening speeches, Nevzat Köle will give a presentation on “Namık Kemal’s Manuscript”.

The event will continue with EMU Education Faculty Turkish Teaching Department academic staff members Assist. Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Aydın and Dr. Taylan Abiç’s panel entitled ““Namık Kemal and Cyprus” which will take place at 11:30 a.m.

After the panel, the event will continue with an information-document sharing session followed by an exhibition of the painting and composition writing contestants’ works and distribution of prizes to the first three award winning works under the sponsorship of KKTCELL and Antique Famagusta Foundation.