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Students from Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department Come Third in Europe

Students from Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department Come Third in Europe

Under the guidance of Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Tourism Faculty, Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts academician Hüseyin Akbulut, students Cem Mengüllüoğlu and Hüseyin Akbulut made EMU proud by coming third in a European competition in the categories pastry and decathlon.

The 29th Annual Conference, Competitions and General Assembly of the European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools (AEHT) took place at the Docklands Academy London (DAL) and featured over 600 attendees from schools of hotel management and gastronomy.

The event began with an opening ceremony that took place in the Church House located inside the Westminster Cathedral in London. The opening speech was provided by Head of AEHT Ana Paula Pais and Director of the Docklands Academy London Ayşegül Yeşildağlar. Following the opening speeches, an art exhibition highlighting the multiculturalism of England was presented. At the end of the opening ceremony, informative meetings aimed towards students and educators took place. The winners of the competitions that took place on the 24th, 25th and 26th of October were announced during a gala night on the 27th of October.

AEHT aims to encourage communication between faculties of hotel management and tourism, in order to lay a bridge between faculties and institutions and to improve communication networks. 44 countries were represented in the toursim organization, which is a tourism organization with one of the widest scales in Europe.

Prof Dr. Kılıç: “We are very proud of our students”

In his statement, Dean of the EMU Tourism Faculty, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç noted that he is very happy and proud of the students’ achievement before going on to thank all of the academicians that played a role in their development. Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç also thanked EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam and the EMU Rector’s Office for their support in the Tourism Faculty’s participation in this prestigious event.

Presentation during General Assembly

EMU Tourism Faculty also participated and represented Cyprus in the AEHT general assembly. The faculty presented a project suggestion regarding carrying out AEHT activities in North Cyprus. Certain collaborations were also suggested by Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç and academician Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Öztören during their presentation at the general assembly. Information about the EMU Tourism Faculty was also provided during the presentation aimed towards AEHT members who especially liked the suggestion regarding a “Youth Parliament”.