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Webinar Held Under the Organisation of EMU DAKMAR, AKVAM and INTBAU Cyprus

Webinar Held Under the Organisation of EMU DAKMAR, AKVAM and INTBAU Cyprus

The second of the webinars organised by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Eastern Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Research Center (DAKMAR), the Research Center for Archeological and Cultural Heritage (AKVAM) and International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism Association (INTBAU Cyprus) on Thursday, 25 February 2021.

Held at 6:00 p.m. Cyprus local time and 7:00 p.m. Turkish local time, the event which took place under the moderation of  Prof. Dr. Resmiye Alpar Atun hosted  the presentation of Prof. Dr. Zeynep Gül Ünal titled "A Road Story on the Role of Society in the Relationship of Disaster and Protection of Culture". In the presentation, experiences that emerged in the light of the work of the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS International), of which Prof. Dr. Ünal also served as vice president, were shared interactively with the participants.

Also acting as the Vice President of the International Committee on Risk Preparedness (ICORP),  Prof. Dr. Ünal  shared with the participants the documentary shootings on the protection of cultural assets in conflict and disaster situations within the scope of the "ICORP on the Road Project" realized in partnership with ICOMOS, ICORP and YTU Historical Heritage Conservation Application Center (TA-MİR). In the presentation, the outcomes of the project and the process carried out in Nepal, Turkey, Mali, Pakistan, Brazil and India were shared in an interactive way. The documentary and the story of the project carried out by Prof. Dr. Ünal have also been published by Google Art and Culture.