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EMU Faculty of Architecture and INTBAU Joint Seminars have been Completed

EMU Faculty of Architecture and INTBAU Joint Seminars have been Completed

The series of seminars organized by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Architecture and INTBAU Cyprus, a regional organization of the International Network of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism, continuing its activities on the island since 2010, have been completed.

In the seminar, which is the third of the Cultural Heritage Series, the topics which are titled "Common Heritage, Acheiropoietos Monastery", "Ankara University Mustafa V. Koç Research Center, Contributions to Maritime Archaeology and Cultural Miracle", and "Effects of Ecotourism on Traditional Architecture; Bağlıköy - Ambelikou" were discussed in the seminars with the participation of a large number of students, research assistants and academic staff of the Faculty of Architecture. 

Data Analysis

A series of presentations by Prof. Dr. Vasıf Şahoğlu from Ankara University, Assist. Prof. Dr. Makbule Oktay from Lefke European University, Assist. Prof. Dr.  Alessandro Camiz from Girne American University were held as part of the event. Assist. Prof. Dr. Makbule Oktay handled the effects of ecotourism on traditional architectural influences in the context of cause-effect and investigated Bağlıköy-Ambelikou in an in-depth manner. Assist. Prof. Dr. Oktay highlighted the values ​​that Bağlıköy-Ambelikou gained or lost to the cities, gave examples on the research and projects carried out in this region and evaluated the results.

Archeological Findings Presented

Professor Dr. Vasıf Şahoğlu emphasized how important cultural heritage is and contributed to the study of the important archaeological findings which they obtained and brought out in various places from underwater excavation studies conducted by Mustafa V. Koç Research Center at Ankara University. 

Assist. Prof. Dr. Alessandro Camiz explained the documentation, digital survey studies, damage analysis and design stages for restoration which they made. Assist. Prof. Dr. Alessandro Camiz gave detailed information on how and why they applied specific techniques and analysis processes, and how they evaluated what they wanted and could achieve as a result.

After his closing speech, EMU Faculty of Architecture Dean Prof. Dr. Özgür Dinçyürek presented the speakers certificates and posters of the activity after he thanked them for the information they gave in the context of cultural heritage.