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Chemistry Minor Program (Minor, 1-3 Years)

The Minor Program in Chemistry is open to ALL STUDENTS of Eastern Mediterranean University outside the Department of Chemistry. In accordance with the regulations (please visit EMU regulations for minor programs), a student can apply for the minor in Chemistry program earliest at the beginning of the 3rd semester of the major undergraduate program and latest at the beginning of the 6th semester of the aforesaid program.
The organization of the courses is as follows:

Elective Courses
Enough number of any "CHEM" coded courses to complete 18 credits (30 ECTS Credits). These courses are recommended by the Minor Program Advisor by taking into account the student’s interest among the open courses.

Total Credits (a minimum of 18 is required): Minimum 18

Total ECTS: Minimum 30


Tel: +90 392 630 1314
Fax: +90 392 365 1604

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