Educational Administration and Supervision Master's Program has the fundamental mission of bringing up executives equipped with professional administrative and leadership skills in the management of different educational institutions. Individuals who are educated within the framework of this mission will have the ability to effectively manage change and organisational development by putting theory in effective management applications into practice in state or private schools as well as institutions of higher education.
Graduates of the Educational Administration and Supervision Master's Program may pursue employment opportunities as educational leaders or continue their postgraduate studies at doctoral degree level, which will serve as an advantage in their transition to the administrative positions.
Admission Requirements
Graduates of an BA program in Educational Sciences are accepted to the program; however graduates of other BA programs may be accepted under the condition that they successfully complete the deficiency course work suggested to them by the department.
Research Interests
Curriculum development, Instruction, Curriculum evaluation, Educational administration, Educational technology, Pre-service teacher education, In-service training, Professional development of teachers and faculty, Adult education, Distance education, Effective learning, Improvement of instruction, Measurement and evaluation in education, Intelligent tutoring systems, Special education, Guidance and psychological counselling
Tel: +90 392 630 2430
Fax: +90 392 630 4038
E-mail: fedu@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://educ.emu.edu.tr