EMU Psychology Department offers a 4-year psychology education with a curriculum in line with standards of EuroPsy Diploma (The European Diploma in Psychology). After providing a foundation in psychology education, at least 1 year of post-graduate education and supervision is required in order to be eligible to obtain a professional 'psychologist' title. By completing the General Psychology Master's program students will have the opportunity to obtain a professional title and diploma in psychology with European standards.
The General Psychology Master's program will enable students to become specialists in the field by providing contemporary theoretical, empirical and methodological knowledge with a focus on cognitive, social and developmental psychology. Graduates with a master's degree in General Psychology can work in a number of institutions such as pre-school education, rehabilitation centers, research centers and universities.
Admission Requirements
Candidates applying for the post-graduate (MSc) program must have a Bachelor’s degree from a psychology department. Candidates who do not have a bachelor's degree in psychology will be required to pass a psychology-focused scientific preparation examination, administered by the Psychology Department Postgraduate Committee. Candidates must have a CGPA of 2.50 or above out of 4.00, a minimum score of 530 TOEFL, 6.5 IELTS or 75 YDS / ÜDS / KPDS, or must pass the English Proficiency Test of Eastern Mediterranean University. Turkish citizens must also have an ALES score of at least 55. Candidates with a Psychology BSc degree who have a CGPA between 2.00-2.50 can register the program if they pass the Scientific Proficiency exam. As of 2022-2023 Academic Year all candidates who meet the above requirements are admitted to the program upon successfully passing the admissions interview.
Research Interests
Violence in School, Positive Youth Development, Prosocial-Antisocial Behaviors among Adolescents, Cyber-psychology, Resilience, Bullying-Victimization, Ethics, Epistemology, Cognitive Aging, Cognitive Learning, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Intergroup Relations, Intergroup Contact, Prejudice, Prejudice Reduction Methods, Domestic Violence, National Identity, Gender Roles and Sexism.
Tel: +90 392 630 1389
Fax: +90 392 630 2475
E-mail: psychology@emu.edu.tr
Web: https://fas.emu.edu.tr/en/departments/psychology