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Physics - Chemistry Double Major Program (B.S., 4 Years)

Double Major

The aim of this by-law is to determine the principles of an educational program of getting another undergraduate diploma from the same department or another department in EMU for students who have successful academic performance in their registered undergraduate programs.

In this by-law; “First Major Program” refers to the undergraduate program of a student’s registered department.

“Second Major Program” means the undergraduate program of the second department that students want to get the second undergraduate diploma in addition to the first diploma.

“Double-major Program” refers to the educational program formed as a combination of the first and the second major programs, giving students the chance of receiving the first and the second major program diplomas at the same time.

Please read Rules and Regulations for more information.

Courses to be taken by a Physics (B.S.) Student from Chemistry (B.S.) Curriculum






Full Course Title Course Category Credit Pre-req. ECTS
Lec Lab Tut Total
2 43721 CHEM112 General Chemistry - II AC 4 1 0 4 CHEM101 or CHEM111 8
3 43731 CHEM211 Physical Chemistry - I AC 4 1 0 4 CHEM112 7
3 43732 CHEM247 Analytical Chemistry - I AC 3 2 0 4 CHEM112 7
3 43733 CHEM243 Organic Chemistry - I AC 4 1 0 4 CHEM112 7
4 43741 CHEM212 Physical Chemistry - II AC 4 1 0 4 CHEM211 7
4 43742 CHEM248 Analytical Chemistry - II AC 3 1 0 3 CHEM247 7
4 43744 CHEM244 Organic Chemistry - II AC 4 1 0 4 CHEM243 7
5 43751 CHEM232 Inorganic Chemistry - I AC 4 1 0 4 8
6 43763 CHEM254 Biochemistry AC 2 2 0 3 6
6 43764 CHEM333 Inorganic Chemistry - II AC 3 0 0 3 CHEM232 7
8 43781 CHEM401 Graduation Project AC 0 7 0 3 17

Total Credits (a minimum of 36 is required):

40 88


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Fax: +90 392 365 1604

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