The Department of Physics offers two-year programs of advanced graduate study leading to the degrees of Master of Science (M.S.; Program Code: 542), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.; Program Code: 642) in Physics. These programs have been established to enable students with strong research motivation to develop their interests through advanced study. The programs of study are accordingly designed as flexibly as possible and thus to enable students to shape their studies as far as possible in accordance with their own specific interests. The Department of Physics has active General Relativity and Cosmology, Quantum Gravity, and Quantum Mechanics and Computing research groups, which produce significant numbers of important publications in peer-review physics journals every year. Recently, research activities in theoretical biophysics and liquid crystal physics have been initiated.
The M.S. program entails the satisfactory completion of at least 21 credits [4 mass courses, 3 (could be more) electives (one of them might be selected from undergraduate courses), and a seminar course], together with completion of a thesis. Mass courses are Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists - I, Classical Mechanics - I, Electromagnetic Theory - I, and Quantum Mechanics -I ; elective courses may be in physics or in related subjects, depending on the research interests of the student and subject to the approval of the supervisor.
Admission Requirements
Candidates for admission to the M.S. (542) Program are required to have completed a B.S. degree in Physics. It is also possible to be admitted to the M.S. program in those who have a bachelor's degree from different disciplines. However, those having inadequate physics background may need to take some deficiency courses.
Research Interests
General Relativity and Cosmology, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Computing, Quantum Mechanics, Biophysics, and Liquid Crystal Physics. (For more information please visit https://physics.emu.edu.tr/en/apply-master-phd/research/physics-departments-research-fields)
Tel: +90 392 630 1314
Fax: +90 392 365 1604
E-mail: physics@emu.edu.tr