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6th EMU International Career Week Commences with Presentation From Apple Logo Designer Rob Janoff

6th EMU International Career Week Commences with Presentation From Apple Logo Designer Rob Janoff

Organized by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Graduate Relations and Career Research Directorate (MIKA), in collaboration with academicians and experts at EMU as well as the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry and the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce, the 6th “International Career Week” and “Career Fair” commenced on Monday, the 12th of March 2018. The opening speeches of the event commenced at 10:00 at the Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall.

Mehmet Eziç

Student interest towards the “International Career Week” opening ceremony featuring world famous designer of the Apple logo Rob Janoff as main speaker a result of an EMU-MIKA and EMU Faculty Communication, Department of of Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design collaboration was high. Speaking at the opening, Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce Vice President Mehmet Eziç provided information about the chamber highlighting that they are very happy to be supporting the Career Week and Career Fair. Providing advice for students, Eziç indicated that there are two key questions in career planning: “In what field can I make a difference in?” and “How can I do my work, different from everyone else?” Eziç noted that the answers to these questions are crucial for reaching success.

Candan Avunduk

Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry President Candan Avunduk thanked everyone for their participation in the event, providing information about the chamber. Laying emphasis on the importance of such events in terms of the promotion of Turkish Cypriot goods and companies, Avunduk noted that creating a sustainable economy is dependent on production and exportation. Indicating that the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry values collaboration between industry and universities, Avunduk extended her thanks to EMU.

İsmail Arter

Famagusta Mayor İsmail Arter noted that the event is a meaningful one for Famagusta and the TRNC, highlighting that participation is increasing every year. Thanking everyone who contributed in the organisation of the event Mayor Arter went on to state: “Getting your diploma shouldn’t be your only aim. You cannot get to important places without goals. Don’t lose your excitement. Follow the career paths of successful people. You can obtain successful careers with correct planning and hard work.”

Necdet Osam

EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam expressed his gratitude to all participants highlighting that they will be hosting many important guests during Career Week. Stating that they are very happy to be hosting world famous designer Rob Janoff today, Prof. Dr. Osam emphasized his desire that everyone’s experiences during Career Week will be internalized.

Zeki Çeler

In his speech TRNC Minister of Labour and Social Security Zeki Çeler noted that as an EMU graduate he recognizes what the students feel before proceeding to talk about his career path. Providing advice for students Çeler stated “After graduation, never give up. Don’t be afraid of trying. Some things may be difficult but never stop pursuing your dreams and passion”.

Rob Janoff

After the opening speeches Rob Janoff came together with EMU students delivering a talk titled “A Career in Design: Turning Opportunities into Success”. Janoff emphasized that he is very happy to be at EMU, thanking those who presented him this opportunity. During the talk Janoff touched upon the design process of Apple’s logo, how the logo came to existence, its development process and the meaning behind it being bitten into. At the end of the talk, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Osam presented Janoff a silver plate whilst Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Cem Tanova presented him a unique Cypriot Lefkara board in appreciation of his contributions to the Career Week. The event ended after a question and answer session.

In addition to seminars organized by faculties throughout Career Week (until the 16th of March 2018) the “Career Fair” will be taking place on Wednesday, the 14th of March 2018 at the Lala Mustafa Paşa Sports Complex. The Career Fair in which over 140 companies will participate in is set to commence at 10:00.

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