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Prof. Dr. Çolakoğlu Meets the Students of EMU

Prof. Dr. Çolakoğlu Meets the Students of EMU

Within the scope of the 7th Career Week organised by the Eastern Mediterranean University Alumni Communication and Career Research Center (MİKA),Ege University Sports Sciences Faculty, Sports and Health Department Chair Prof. Dr. Bekir Muzaffer Çolakoğlu came together with EMU students at EMU Faculty of Health Sciences Amphitheatre at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, 8 March 2019. The event was also participated by faculty members of EMU Health Sciences Faculty.

During the said event, Prof. Dr. Çolakoğlu delivered a presentation titled “Current Topics in Athletic Performance Physiology”. Following his presentation, Prof. Dr. Çolakoğlu also provided information to students on how he reached his present position in his career. The presentation ended with Prof. Dr. Çolakoğlu’s recommendations to the students of  EMU Health Sciences Faculty, Sports Sciences Department .