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EMU Hosting 6th International Career Fair

EMU Hosting 6th International Career Fair

Organized by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Graduate Relations and Career Research Directorate (MIKA), in collaboration with the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry and the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce, “6th International Career Fair” commenced at EMU Lala Mustafa Pasa Sports Center at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, the 14th of March 2018. Hosting the stands of leading private sector companies both from our country and Turkey, the fair is offering numerous internship and recruitment possibilities for the participants.

Among those present at the opening ceremony were Mayor of Nicosia Turkish Municipality Mehmet Harmancı, Undersecretary of the Turkish Embassy in Nicosia Yasin Temizkan, President of EMU Board of Trustees İlker Edip, Member of EMU Board of Trustees Recai Ergün, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, Vice Rector for International Affairs and Promotion Prof. Dr. Cem Tanova, Vice Rector for Administrative and Technical Affairs Prof. Dr. Özgür Eren, the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry Vice President Atilla Süren, the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce Vice President Semral Erel, Director of EMU-MIKA Derviş Ekşici, academicians and students from EMU and Famagusta community.

Atilla Süren

“The Fair will Offer Internship and Employment Opportunities for Students”

Following a moment of silence and the national anthem, Vice President of the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry Atilla Süren expressed his organisation’s pleasure in participating in the 6th Career Fair. Providing information about himself and the Chamber of Industry, Süren also touched upon the importance of internship practice for students’ career development. At the end of his speech,  Süren  wished all participants a successful fair.

Semral Erel

Vice Chair of the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce and EMU Business and Economics Faculty student Semral Erel thanked all participating firms and students. Stating that the fair creates huge opportunities for students, Erel also put forth that the community should encourage entrepreneurship. Providing various recommendations for students, Erel expressed her hope that the collaboration between the private sector and EMU continues.

Necdet Osam

“EMU is a World University”

Rector of EMU Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam congratulated the stakeholders and participants who contributed to the organisation of the 6th International Career Fair. Stating that as a world university, EMU has been offering all possibilities to contribute to the economic development of the country, Prof. Dr. Osam added that the university is taking firm steps towards its targets within the scope of its vision. Prof. Dr. Osam also put forth that the university is hosting 70 prominent participants from different countries with the aim of expanding students’ vision and their integration with the international community. Prof. Dr. Osam concluded his speech by stating that both the Mayor of Nicosia Turkish Municipality Mehmet Harmancı and Vice Chair of the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce Semral Erel are from EMU and a part of the EMU family, indicating that graduates of EMU always achieve success in their professional lives.

Metmeh Harmancı

“Students Should Always Have a Part-time Job”

Mayor of Nicosia Turkish Municipality Mehmet Harmancı also delivered a speech in which he highlighted the meaning of the 6th International Career Fair, the opening ceremony of which coincides with the passing day of world famous scientist Stephen Hawking. Addressing the students, Harmancı put forth that career is a journey and that life begins only after the completion of the university studies. Recommending the students to think carefully about choosing the right path and, at the same time, learn from their experiences, Harmancı stated that he is a graduate of EMU Business and Economics Faculty, Political Science and International Relations Department. At the end of his speech, Harmancı recommended all students to work on a part-time basis during their student years.

Following the opening speeches, the 6th International Career Fair’s official opening took place and over 140 local and international firms met with participants.