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7 EMU Faculty of Engineering Programs Accredited by ABET

7 EMU Faculty of Engineering Programs Accredited by ABET

7 programs of the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Engineering have been evaluated and accredited by the USA based Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). ABET inspects the quality standards of engineering and technology education programs, providing accreditation.

As a result of ABET evaluations in November 2016, EMU Computer, Electrical-Electronic, Industrial, Civil, Mechanical, Mechatronic and Software Engineering programs earned ABET accreditation. EMU is the only university in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) with ABET accreditation. In Turkey the Middle East Technical University, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul Technical University and Hacettepe University are the only universities with ABET accreditation.

ABET evaluates students, education goals, program outlines, the constant development cycle, syllabus, teaching staff, building and facilities, management assistance and criteria specific to the program. ABET’s evaluations vary from student acceptance to consultancy services, the accomplishment of determined education goals by graduates, the synergy between program goals and university goals, constant development and progress cycle, modern education syllabus, teaching staff and department facilities.

Aykut Hocanın

“EMU is an International University”

EMU Faculty of Engineering Dean Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın stated that ABET self-assessment reports had been sent to the ABET Engineering Accrediation Commission in July 2016. Prof. Dr. Hocanın mentioned that an expert ABET crew from USA visited EMU for evaluation of the Faculty of Engineering including administrative and executive units in November 2016. Additionally, the branches (such as other faculty and departments where EMU Faculty of Engineering students take courses, the rectorship, library and the registrar’s office) were also evaluated by the ABET crew.

Prof. Dr. Hocanın underlined that EMU was mentioned as an international university in the ABET judgement report. The report also included the internship and applied training opportunities that EMU provided for students. It was mentioned in the report that EMU Faculty of Engineering graduates can easily find jobs in international markets and that EMU has an extremely competent teaching staff. The report also stated that education outlines have been evaluated very well by the assessment and evaluation systems that are founded by the programs and that the constant development and progress cycle played a very important role on the improvement of education.

Necdet Osam

Prof. Dr. Osam: “I am Proud”

EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam said that he is very proud of the ABET accomplishments and that the EMU Rector’s Office will keep following its mission and visions. Underlining the importance that EMU gives to accreditations, Prof. Dr. Osam stated that EMU always gives priority to quality. Prof. Dr. Osam concluded by noting that one of the most important accomplishments of EMU in the international platform is to be the only university from the TRNC that appeared on the Times Higher Education (THE) 2016 – 2017 Academic Year World University Rankings.