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EMU-CWS Presents the Gender Equality Certificate Program

EMU-CWS Presents the Gender Equality Certificate Program

Eastern Mediterranean University Center for Women’s Studies (EMU-CWS) launches the “Gender Equality Certificate Program (GECP) upon demand, in cooperation with the EMU Continuing Education Center (EMU-CEC). GECP will be a unique and comprehensive training program contributing to the formation of social awareness and mind transformation within the society.  EMU-CWS will start its training with the first module of TOCES on 14 March 2020.

Weekend Training Sessions

In the statement made by EMU-CWS in relation to the certificate program, “The aim of both centers is to make the society think about gender stereotypes on Gender Education, to enable individuals to develop themselves and to take into account gender issues when shaping their work or production. For this purpose the training sessions will be set during the weekend so those interested may attend the certificate program consisting of 15 ‘6-hour’ modules”.

“EMU-CWS has been working together with various public institutions / organizations and non-governmental organizations since 1998. EMU-CEC was established in 2004 and is the first Continuing Education Center of the island. The center, which has international memberships, has been continuing its education in different fields such as seminars, courses and training programs for 15 years. For non-governmental organizations, public institutions / organizations or as an individual application, you may contact EMU-CEC (630 2471) or EMU-CWS (630 2269) for content and information details, or you may register online via the EMU-CEC website or for more detailed information. Contact is possible via the social media accounts of both centers.”