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EMU Gathers with Non-Governmental Organizations

EMU Gathers with Non-Governmental Organizations

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Administration gathered with Non-governmental Organization representations at EMU Beach Club with the intention of evaluating 2020-2021 Academic Year Fall Semester and discussing possible collaborations to be made between the parties. The meeting was held on Tuesday, the 27th of October, 2020 at 18:00. EMU Board of Trustees President Dr. Erdal Özcenk, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, Board of Trustees Members Halil İ. Orun and Ersun Kutup, vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Aktuğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serhan Şensoy were present at the meeting.

During the opening speech, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın provided brief information regarding EMU’s history, development, place in world rankings and the accreditations it holds. By stating that EMU has nearly 16 thousand students from 110 different countries and more than 1,000 academic staff members, Prof. Dr. Hocanın referred to EMU as a strong education institution and, emphasized that EMU administration shares the same management approach with the Board of Trustees.

Aykut Hocanın

“Providing Service to Public is prioritized” 

Prof. Dr. Hocanın’s statement continued as follows; “This evening, we are gathered together with non-governmental organizations, unions, entrepreneurs and investors. This meeting is organized with the intention of building projects, conducting preliminary meetings and uniting forces with each other. Universities have three main objectives: provide quality education, do research and serve the society. We as EMU, have never forgotten to serve the public and, would like to keep it prioritized all times. We need to take part in projects that will benefit our society, together with non-governmental organizations, particularly in Famagusta and generally in TRNC. I would like to thank everyone who attended the meeting”.

Erdal Özcenk

“Aiming an EMU integrated with Society and Famagusta”

EMU Board of Trustees President Dr. Erdal Özcenk also made a speech during the meeting by saying that education sector is the primary sector in the leading sectors and, touched on the following by saying; “EMU is the leader in TRNC education sector. As the president and the members of Board of Trustees, we are honored to be serving our university. EMU’s mission is not only education but also to address regional problem with the awareness of social responsibility. Within this respect, we are aiming an EMU which is integrated with the society and Famagusta. Today’s meeting with the non-governmental organizations is an indicator our intention”.

By mentioning the unforgettable help provided by the municipality, business people and benevolent citizens during the pandemic period for more than 8,000 students accommodating either in dormitories or houses, Dr. Özcenk said, “Everyone has come together as one heart to provide food for these students. I would like to thank all our helpful people. Scholarships are provided to our still victim students by our institutions and organizations and our helpful business people. It seems that we as the society can do great things if we really act as “one”. If there is EMU, there is Famagusta. We must live with this awareness. With these feelings and thoughts, as my Rector said, we should act together with all our institutions, organizations and people as a whole. EMU is a very important value for Famagusta in particular and for the TRNC in general. I thank all the participants”.