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EMU New Media and Journalism Students Go Before the Jury

EMU New Media and Journalism Students Go Before the Jury

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Communication Faculty, New Media and Journalism Department students appeared before a jury of academic staff members and experts in their fields with the newspapers they prepared regarding how they applied the things they have learnt throughout their education life.

Çağrı Çantalı, Hüseyin Renç Karlık, K. Deniz Tüzün and Modinat A. Osanyinpeju who are New Media and Journalism students with graduation status delivered online presentations of their projects to the jury consisting of Prof. Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy and Dr. Engin Aluç as well as Pınar Barut from Özgür Newspaper and Simge Çerkezoğlu from Yenidüzen Newspaper.

EMU Communication Faculty, New Media and Journalism students also attended the online event where the newspaper designs and news articles written as graduation projects were discussed. Students who delivered their presentations answered the questions regarding their projects and jury members gave advice to the students about media sector.

Graduates who can meet the Needs of the Sector

EMU New Media and Journalism Department Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy stated that the graduation projects are a reflection of all the things the students learn during their time in the department and for this reason, the graduation projects are very important. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersoy added that the graduates of New Media and Journalism program are young and creative journalists who have the necessary skills to meet the needs of the (digital) media sector, are qualified and experts in their fields, are content producers who can perform advanced data analysis and are not shy to ask questions.

During the jury, the importance of the front pages was emphasized, the effect of the visuals and the need to use the right method when choosing the visual were mentioned. In addition, the jury, stating that the industry expects good and well-researched news, evaluated each student's project individually. It was emphasized that these mistakes should not be repeated in the sector by making recommendations for the students to correct the mistakes they have made. The members of the jury from the newspapers at the meeting, which also focused on the designs of the newspapers; they emphasized the need to understand the basics of design and to have information about how it is applied.