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EMU Gündem Celebrates Its 25th Year in Practice

EMU Gündem Celebrates Its 25th Year in Practice

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Communication Faculty New Media and Journalism Department's practice newspaper EMU ‘Gündem’ celebrates its 25th year since its establishment. Having started its publication life in 1996 by the students of EMU Faculty of Communication, Department of Journalism, EMU Gündem newspaper has been practicing for many years with the contributions of students and academic staff. Having made its first color edition in 2001, Gündem newspaper switched to digital in 2015, bringing together the special news made by the students over the internet. EMU Gündem newspaper, which continues its activities with staff consisting of EMU graduates and field experts, offers students a platform for practice both in Turkish and English.

“Many Newspapers' Dream”

EMU Gündem Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Can Bekcan stated that they offer an environment where students can get prompt feedback on the news they want to publish, apply what they have learned in the classes, and have sectoral experience. “A history of 25 years is the dream of many newspapers. Being aware of this asset as Gündem newspaper, I would like to thank everyone before us who put this project into practice and contributed to its continuation so far. I have no doubt that my fellow students can also take advantage of this unique opportunity and take firm steps towards their professional life through Gündem newspaper.”

“Gündem is an Important Part of the Education Model”

In a statement on the subject, Chair of the New Media and Journalism Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy stated that the first color edition of the newspaper was brought to life in 2001 with him, and noted that he took part in all levels of the newspaper Gündem, including his student years. Stating that he has closely witnessed the development and transformation of the newspaper, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy noted that this is an important part of education models that students can learn the profession of journalism through practice. Stating that the journalism profession has undergone serious changes and developments during the 25-year period, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersoy pointed out that journalism activities have increased on digital platforms, especially with the introduction of new media into our lives. Adding that the newspaper Gündem is celebrating its 25th anniversary and that they will further advance its activities with the contribution of students for a long period of time, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersoy thanked all students and academicians who contributed to the newspaper in a quarter of a century.

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