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EMU-PDRAM Provides In-Service Training for İrfan Nadir Rehabilitation Center Personnel

EMU-PDRAM Provides In-Service Training for İrfan Nadir Rehabilitation Center Personnel

The in-service training program organised by the Eastern Mediterranean University Psychological Counseling Guidance and Research Center (EMU-PDRAM) upon the request of the İrfan Nadir Rehabilitation Center Directorate, operating under the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Social Services Department, has been completed.

As part of the training program organized in scope of EMU-PDRAM's community service activities, presentations and group work in the following topics were held throughout April: “Rights of Individuals with Different Development and their Integration into Work Life”, “Journey from Youth to Adulthood in Individuals with Different Development: Is It Possible for a Caterpillar to Transform into an Independent Butterfly?”, “Setting Limits in Social and Romantic Relationships”, Self Protection Skills”, “Healthy Communication with Different Developing Individuals and Their Families” and "Living, Protecting and Expressing Our Emotions in a Healthy Way". Having taken place at EMU Social and Cultural Activities Center and delivered by different EMU-PDRAM experts, the aforesaid in-service training was completed with a general evaluation of the program and the presentation of the certificates to the participants.